Category: en

  • Collonges-sous-Salève


    A shy librarian,passionate and humorous Alfred Félix Vaucher was born and raised in Piedmont, in the Waldensian valleys of Italy.His grandmother was none other than Catherine Revel, the first Adventist baptized outside the United States.In Alfred’s own words, it was born of a misunderstanding. Her parents divorced just a few months after the wedding. Perhaps…

  • La Lignière – Acorn

    La Lignière – Acorn

    From Canada to Lake Geneva Canadian-born Perry Alfred De Forest joined the Adventists in 1887, under the influence of his uncle, evangelist George Albert King. After training as a nurse in Battle Creek, Michigan, he studied medicine at the University of Cincinnati. He worked with John Harvey Kellog until 1895. In 1895, with his wife…

  • Grandson – Yverdon

    Grandson – Yverdon

    First steps off the continent North American Apparently, when toads migrate, there’s always one that doesn’t follow the group and goes its own way. This way, if anything were to happen to the main group, he would ensure the survival of the species on his own.With all due respect to what I’ve just said, it…

  • Tramelan


    The very first 7th-day Adventist church outside North America told by one of its youngest members: Gustave Roth “[…] Since God has allowed me to be among those of the first hour, I also want to give some information. It’s up to the compilers to make the most of it.It was early in 1868 that…

  • Basel


    The polyglot printer, the magazine Signe des temps andJohn N. Andrews On September 15, 1874, John Nevin Andrews left New York (USA) for Neuchâtel (Switzerland). He thus became the first official missionary to cross the ocean for the 7th Day Adventist Church. Accompanying him were his son Charles (16) and daughter Mary (12), and Ademar…